23 september (wednesday)
Hour: 19:00
level 4. Gallery
The project will reflect the landscape of an African village exhibited nearby at the National Museum. The presented photos will be a documentation of items from the historical Szczecin "African Collection", currently divided between the National Museum in Szczecin and the Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw.
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The historically formulated universalist, internationalist, and humanistic postulates during the communist period will be confronted with contemporary postcolonial reflection. It forces us to read the collections of African artifacts scattered around Europe as symbols of the white man's absolute cultural domination.
The title concept of white balance used in digital photography will be treated as a metaphor for the deconstruction of "balance" and "order" that the colonizers carried out for centuries on African cultures. Simultaneously, the way the photos are displayed and their specially prepared, colored lighting will directly relate to the white visual balance. It will show the ambiguity and discretion of what we used to interpret as white and non-white. It is hard to find a better context for such a project than the white interior landscape of the Philharmonic in Szczecin.
The title concept of white balance used in digital photography will be treated as a metaphor for the deconstruction of "balance" and "order" that the colonizers carried out for centuries on African cultures. Simultaneously, the way the photos are displayed and their specially prepared, colored lighting will directly relate to the white visual balance. It will show the ambiguity and discretion of what we used to interpret as white and non-white. It is hard to find a better context for such a project than the white interior landscape of the Philharmonic in Szczecin.
Online installation
Philharmonic and festival website
"Can't Hear You" refers to the popular socio-psychological theory of cognitive dissonance by Leon Festinger, according to which individuals adjust the image of the world in which they live to avoid confronting certain information contrary to their own views to eliminate dissonance and restore harmony to their own worldview. Not only one's selectivity in the absorption of information, but also its dubious processing through media and politics, results in manipulating facts, creating an image of hostility, spreading fear, and thus polarizing society.
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The title of the work refers to the lack of dialogue and a Polish saying, "everyone can talk" describes the content of an absurd vision of the future. We also see here present social conditions with dominant themes such as right-wing populism, climate change, and denial, the so-called "faith versus facts" mentality, and the resulting social divisions. Structurally, the work has been inspired by a musical work – an opera in two acts. Some of the photos were taken in an echo chamber – a special room whose walls almost entirely absorb sound waves.
Hour: 20:50
Illumination show
During the festival, the Philharmonic will itself become an artistic object both inside and outside. Once again, the white facade of the building will become a kind of canvas. We invite you to exclusive illumination shows accompanying the MDF 2020 Festival, for which Pushka Studio in Szczecin is responsible. On 23rd-27th September from 20:00 to midnight.
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Dorota Kołodziejczyk, Radosław Deruba, and Bartosz Wójcicki PuH make up the creative Pushka Studio. They move in the new media areas with a strong emphasis on motion design, 3D video mapping, multimedia installations, and set design. Pushka Studio is a team of professionals driven by passion. Winners of VJ Battle at Interference Festival 2015. Finalists of the Circle of Light 2016 Moscow International Festival and Polish Graphic Design Awards 2018 competition in Opole, Warsaw, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Brussels, and Malta.
24 september (thursday)
Hour: 11:00
Rehearsal room
During the workshops, participants will turn into imitators of sounds. Among sound categories, there are nature and city sounds. Young people will learn to process recorded sounds to obtain a catalog of sounds and a composition that they will present in the form of the final concert.
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The "Sounds against the voice" workshops introduce you to the arcane work of a sound artist who designs an audio setting for films, video games, theater, and radio. The workshops include listening exercises, sensitization to auditory perception, sound ecology elements, introduction to the basics of phonography, sound recording, sound walk, and field recording.
During the final concert on September 26th, young performers will present their composition. Young artists will perform their music experiments in the City Harmony Zone. Szczecin citizens will choose this place in a plebiscite.
During the final concert on September 26th, young performers will present their composition. Young artists will perform their music experiments in the City Harmony Zone. Szczecin citizens will choose this place in a plebiscite.
Hour: 20:50
Illumination show
During the festival, the Philharmonic will itself become an artistic object both inside and outside. Once again, the white facade of the building will become a kind of canvas. We invite you to exclusive illumination shows accompanying the MDF 2020 Festival, for which Pushka Studio in Szczecin is responsible. On 23rd-27th September from 20:00 to midnight.
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Dorota Kołodziejczyk, Radosław Deruba, and Bartosz Wójcicki PuH make up the creative Pushka Studio. They move in the new media areas with a strong emphasis on motion design, 3D video mapping, multimedia installations, and set design. Pushka Studio is a team of professionals driven by passion. Winners of VJ Battle at Interference Festival 2015. Finalists of the Circle of Light 2016 Moscow International Festival and Polish Graphic Design Awards 2018 competition in Opole, Warsaw, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Brussels, and Malta.
Hour: 21:00
Live Filharmonia
That evening, Agnieszka Obszańska and Łukasz Dziedzic will take you to their musical "fairy tale". They will combine all the best in the Amazon and Africa rhythms, immersed in energetic techno. From the pulsating sounds of Kampala, through the Mexican deserts, the Brazilian jungle, to club sounds from Berlin. Rhythm, energy, techno, life. We meet to dance!
25 september (friday)
Hour: 11:00
Rehearsal room
During the workshops, participants will turn into imitators of sounds. Among sound categories, there are nature and city sounds. Young people will learn to process recorded sounds to obtain a catalog of sounds and a composition that they will present in the form of the final concert.
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The "Sounds against the voice" workshops introduce you to the arcane work of a sound artist who designs an audio setting for films, video games, theater, and radio. The workshops include listening exercises, sensitization to auditory perception, sound ecology elements, introduction to the basics of phonography, sound recording, sound walk, and field recording.
During the final concert on September 26th, young performers will present their composition. Young artists will perform their music experiments in the City Harmony Zone. Szczecin citizens will choose this place in a plebiscite.
During the final concert on September 26th, young performers will present their composition. Young artists will perform their music experiments in the City Harmony Zone. Szczecin citizens will choose this place in a plebiscite.
Hour: 19:00
Symphonic concert / online broadcast
Symphony Hall
Live Filharmonia
The work of the contemporary Italian composer and pianist Ludovic Einaudi belongs to the genre of minimalist music. The composer most often creates pieces for the piano but also uses other instruments from time to time. He has also worked on soundtracks for films throughout his career. Several essential tracks from his albums are used in many television productions.
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"Divernire" – the composer's seventh studio album – is a coherent and exciting music, described by many as the best of the entire minimalist movement. Einaudi uses consecutive sounds and chords to build tension, emotion, climaxes, and at the same time, sophisticated passages, phrases, and compilations. Although the music flows continuously, construction and deconstruction simultaneously take place, sometimes depressing and sometimes hoping, as intended, and the message of the following pieces.
Ludovico Einaudi's works were inspired by the paintings of the 19th-century Swiss artist Giovanni Segantini, born and living in an Alpine valley, entitled "La vita", "La Natura" and "La Morte". The triptych shows the mountain scenery of Soglio, the twilight over the Schafberg peak, and the winter landscape on the Maloja Pass. The title composition "Divernire" had its premiere in the Dolomites, against the backdrop of the Pale di San Martino mountain range.
The final concert of MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival 2020 will take us musically to the mountains, and thanks to the pictorial music performed by the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and pianist Zuzanna Całka, we will see Alpine landscapes painted with music.
Ludovico Einaudi's works were inspired by the paintings of the 19th-century Swiss artist Giovanni Segantini, born and living in an Alpine valley, entitled "La vita", "La Natura" and "La Morte". The triptych shows the mountain scenery of Soglio, the twilight over the Schafberg peak, and the winter landscape on the Maloja Pass. The title composition "Divernire" had its premiere in the Dolomites, against the backdrop of the Pale di San Martino mountain range.
The final concert of MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival 2020 will take us musically to the mountains, and thanks to the pictorial music performed by the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and pianist Zuzanna Całka, we will see Alpine landscapes painted with music.
Hour: 20:50
Illumination show
During the festival, the Philharmonic will itself become an artistic object both inside and outside. Once again, the white facade of the building will become a kind of canvas. We invite you to exclusive illumination shows accompanying the MDF 2020 Festival, for which Pushka Studio in Szczecin is responsible. On 23rd-27th September from 20:00 to midnight.
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Dorota Kołodziejczyk, Radosław Deruba, and Bartosz Wójcicki PuH make up the creative Pushka Studio. They move in the new media areas with a strong emphasis on motion design, 3D video mapping, multimedia installations, and set design. Pushka Studio is a team of professionals driven by passion. Winners of VJ Battle at Interference Festival 2015. Finalists of the Circle of Light 2016 Moscow International Festival and Polish Graphic Design Awards 2018 competition in Opole, Warsaw, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Brussels, and Malta.
26 september (saturday)
Hour: 15:00
City Harmony Zone
The concert will be the culmination of the "Sounds against the voice" workshops. The performers will present a composition consisting of the sounds of the city and nature, which they have recorded, processed, and edited themselves. Young artists will perform a music experiment in the City Harmony Zone. Szczecin residents in the plebiscite will choose this place.
Hour: 16:00
Musical walk
City Harmony Zone
Przemek Głowa, a city guide, will take residents on a journey in the footsteps of the musical past and present Szczecin. As part of the walk, we will stop at existing and non-existent places-temples of music such as the Philharmonic, the Castle Opera, the former Konzerthaus, or the auditorium at today's Bałuki St. The walk will end with an open-air concert in the City Harmony Zone.
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Nie zabraknie historii Szczecinian związanych z muzyką – od zakonnic Cysterek, przez Carla Loewego, aż po współczesnych szczecińskich artystów. Dowiemy się również jak człowiek próbuje muzycznie komponować pejzaż miast. Przemek Głowa powie nam gdzie odpocząć od zgiełku miasta i które dźwięki są dla nas dobre.
Spacer zaczniemy o godzinie 16:00 na Syrenich Stawach – miejscu, które wygrało tegoroczny plebiscyt na Miejską Strefę Harmonii. Po drodze odwiedzimy Ekoport, Muzeum Techniki i Komunikacji, Rusałkę i Teatr Letni, a także kilka parków miejskich oraz miejsc związanych z muzyką. Spacer zakończy się pod budynkiem Filharmonii.
Wcześniej, o godzinie 15:00, w Miejskiej Strefie Harmonii na Syrenich stawach odbędzie się koncert inaugurujący jej działalność.
Uczestnicy spaceru zobowiązani będą do przestrzegania najnowszych zaleceń Głównego Inspektora Sanitarnego (w tym zakrycie ust i nosa, dezynfekcja rąk, zachowanie bezpiecznych odległości). Udział w spacerze jest bezpłatny.
Spacer zaczniemy o godzinie 16:00 na Syrenich Stawach – miejscu, które wygrało tegoroczny plebiscyt na Miejską Strefę Harmonii. Po drodze odwiedzimy Ekoport, Muzeum Techniki i Komunikacji, Rusałkę i Teatr Letni, a także kilka parków miejskich oraz miejsc związanych z muzyką. Spacer zakończy się pod budynkiem Filharmonii.
Wcześniej, o godzinie 15:00, w Miejskiej Strefie Harmonii na Syrenich stawach odbędzie się koncert inaugurujący jej działalność.
Uczestnicy spaceru zobowiązani będą do przestrzegania najnowszych zaleceń Głównego Inspektora Sanitarnego (w tym zakrycie ust i nosa, dezynfekcja rąk, zachowanie bezpiecznych odległości). Udział w spacerze jest bezpłatny.
Hour: 20:00
Chamber concert / online broadcast
Live Filharmonia
Hania Rani and Dobrawa Czocher, five years after the release of their debut album "White Flag," are back with new material. The duo of artists is perfect proof that instrumental music has its raison d'être on the contemporary music scene and gathers an ever wider circle of listeners. Five years have passed this year since the girls' remarkable phonographic debut devoted to the work of Grzegorz Ciechowski. Five years of intensive work on their music projects, personal development, and work. And so, 2020 brought time and a chance to record a second album, this time with original music and new ideas. In May, the recordings took place in the concert hall of the Philharmonic in Szczecin, and the premiere of the material is planned for the beginning of 2021. The duo again grabs the instruments closest to them: piano and cello, complemented by the soft sound of synthesizers. The second album of Hania and Dobrawa is a journey into oneself, deep breath in harmony with nature and the passing time, tenderness for sound and proof of friendship, and shared understanding for otherness.
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During the concert as part of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival, we will hear the premiere songs from the upcoming album. Nature-inspired songs, combined with compelling visuals, provide a unique experience of music and nature at the same time.

Hour: 20:50
Illumination show
During the festival, the Philharmonic will itself become an artistic object both inside and outside. Once again, the white facade of the building will become a kind of canvas. We invite you to exclusive illumination shows accompanying the MDF 2020 Festival, for which Pushka Studio in Szczecin is responsible. On 23rd-27th September from 20:00 to midnight.
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Dorota Kołodziejczyk, Radosław Deruba, and Bartosz Wójcicki PuH make up the creative Pushka Studio. They move in the new media areas with a strong emphasis on motion design, 3D video mapping, multimedia installations, and set design. Pushka Studio is a team of professionals driven by passion. Winners of VJ Battle at Interference Festival 2015. Finalists of the Circle of Light 2016 Moscow International Festival and Polish Graphic Design Awards 2018 competition in Opole, Warsaw, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Brussels, and Malta.
27 september (sunday)
Hour: 10:00
Chamber hall
During the workshops, children will create music through movement and gestures. They will search for sounds as they move between objects placed on the floor. The little participants will trigger new sound events that will lead to the creation of the song through movement.
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We learn to make music through movement and gesture. Basically, all musicians do it. However, we will neither sing nor play instruments. We will look for sounds in a different way. We will look for them by moving between objects placed on the floor. There are sounds hidden in each of these objects. We will find a way to free them. We will then be able to walk between them, triggering new and new sound events. It is not far from here to create a piece of music. We know how to stimulate sounds, so we need a score. A traditional score is a book with sheet music on each page. Maps will be the pages of our score. What maps? Such marking routes between objects on the floor telling us which way and how to get to the right sound. Sometimes the maps show us to walk carefully, slowly. Sometimes they ask you to accelerate and even run as fast as you can... Yes, yes, time does not wait in music either! Once we learn to read them, we will be ready for the conductor's first gesture. And when this one appears, we will perform the most authentic piece of music encoded in our notes-maps. And although without the instruments, we will become a real orchestra. A little rushing.
Hour: 12:00
Chamber hall
During the workshops, children will create music through movement and gestures. They will search for sounds as they move between objects placed on the floor. The little participants will trigger new sound events that will lead to the creation of the song through movement.
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We learn to make music through movement and gesture. Basically, all musicians do it. However, we will neither sing nor play instruments. We will look for sounds in a different way. We will look for them by moving between objects placed on the floor. There are sounds hidden in each of these objects. We will find a way to free them. We will then be able to walk between them, triggering new and new sound events. It is not far from here to create a piece of music. We know how to stimulate sounds, so we need a score. A traditional score is a book with sheet music on each page. Maps will be the pages of our score. What maps? Such marking routes between objects on the floor telling us which way and how to get to the right sound. Sometimes the maps show us to walk carefully, slowly. Sometimes they ask you to accelerate and even run as fast as you can... Yes, yes, time does not wait in music either! Once we learn to read them, we will be ready for the conductor's first gesture. And when this one appears, we will perform the most authentic piece of music encoded in our notes-maps. And although without the instruments, we will become a real orchestra. A little rushing.
Hour: 19:00
Chamber concert / online broadcast
Symphony Hall
Live Filharmonia
The ability to smoothly transition from black metal to Erasure, from Radiohead to Stars Of The Lid defines the Echo Collective and its musicians. Without prejudice, without exaggeration, without being hostage to genres and their boundaries, they always have the utmost seriousness. They take up challenges set by others and leave their mark on them.
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In 2019, Echo Collective presented a new fantastic project: the Jóhann Jóhannsson string quartet, "12 Conversations with Thilo Heinzmann". This tremendous work by Echo Collective was released by the cult record label Deutsche Grammophon in September 2019.
The composer, Jóhann Jóhannsson himself, was "obsessed with the texture of sound", regularly bending the boundaries between classical and electronic music. In his eclectic style, he created hypnotic, exceptionally sophisticated images. The beauty of the music contained in "12 Conversations" reveals what can be called the essence of its sound.
Jóhannsson's music is, therefore, a perfect fit for the Echo Collective, who create, interpret and show the world their work described as "post-classical", "neoclassical" or "non-classical". The correct etiquette does not matter much to Neil Leiter and Margaret Hermant – founders of the Echo Collective.
The composer, Jóhann Jóhannsson himself, was "obsessed with the texture of sound", regularly bending the boundaries between classical and electronic music. In his eclectic style, he created hypnotic, exceptionally sophisticated images. The beauty of the music contained in "12 Conversations" reveals what can be called the essence of its sound.
Jóhannsson's music is, therefore, a perfect fit for the Echo Collective, who create, interpret and show the world their work described as "post-classical", "neoclassical" or "non-classical". The correct etiquette does not matter much to Neil Leiter and Margaret Hermant – founders of the Echo Collective.

Hour: 20:50
Illumination show
During the festival, the Philharmonic will itself become an artistic object both inside and outside. Once again, the white facade of the building will become a kind of canvas. We invite you to exclusive illumination shows accompanying the MDF 2020 Festival, for which Pushka Studio in Szczecin is responsible. On 23rd-27th September from 20:00 to midnight.
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Dorota Kołodziejczyk, Radosław Deruba, and Bartosz Wójcicki PuH make up the creative Pushka Studio. They move in the new media areas with a strong emphasis on motion design, 3D video mapping, multimedia installations, and set design. Pushka Studio is a team of professionals driven by passion. Winners of VJ Battle at Interference Festival 2015. Finalists of the Circle of Light 2016 Moscow International Festival and Polish Graphic Design Awards 2018 competition in Opole, Warsaw, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Brussels, and Malta.